Message from the Director’s Desk:

A warm welcome to Shree Sainath College of Pharmacy.
Our primary aim is to meet the needs of our students entrusted to our care. In our college we provide a learning environment that inspires and motivates students which therefore encourages them to achieve the limitless possibilities in their quest for knowledge. Our committed and caring faculties are the pillars of strength. We are constantly taking efforts to ensure that our students will showcase their academic talent with right principles, ethics and high moral values resulting in excellent citizens of the country.
Let us think of Education as the means of developing our ‘Abilities’ because in each of us there is ‘Hope’ and ‘Dream’ which fulfilled can be translated into benefit for everyone and for our Nation One of the most important aspects in the minds of students on joining the course is placement potential and avenues of employment. Our aim is to train the students, armed with the ability to work effectively and efficiently, across industry so that they can emerge as leaders and innovators in their field.
I wish you all a very bright academic future!
Mr. Shashank Shekhar
(Director, SMOSSS, Nagpur)
Let us think of Education as the means of developing our ‘Abilities’ because in each of us there is ‘Hope’ and ‘Dream’ which fulfilled can be translated into benefit for everyone and for our Nation One of the most important aspects in the minds of students on joining the course is placement potential and avenues of employment. Our aim is to train the students, armed with the ability to work effectively and efficiently, across industry so that they can emerge as leaders and innovators in their field.
I wish you all a very bright academic future!
Mr. Shashank Shekhar
(Director, SMOSSS, Nagpur)